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Digital Flyer Approval Guidelines

In order to provide families with relevant and useful information and respect the amount of emails they receive from TTUSD, flyers must be directly related to programs, activities, or services for children. The Superintendent/Chief Learning Officer or designee will also consider the following criteria:

  • Educational Value: The materials or advertisements' educational value.
  • Target Audience: The age and maturity of the students in the intended audience.
  • District Mission: Whether the materials or advertisements support the district's basic educational mission, directly benefit students, or are of intrinsic value to students or their parents/guardians.

Prohibited Content

The following content is not permitted and will result in flyer disapproval:

  • Alcohol or tobacco-related images or language.
  • Raffles, bingo, or lottery advertisements.

Requirements for Commercial Offerings and Fundraising Events

Commercial offerings and fundraising events (including those by non-profits) must be directly related to programs, activities, and services for children.

Required Disclaimer

All flyers must include the following disclaimer language:

  • English: This event is not sponsored or approved by the Tahoe Truckee Unified School District or any schools of the District.
  • Spanish: Este evento no está patrocinado ni aprobado por el Distrito Escolar Unificado de Tahoe Truckee ni por ninguna escuela del Distrito. 

Facility Use Approval

For events held at any TTUSD facility, prior Facility Use Approval is required before submitting flyers through Peachjar.


All flyers must be submitted in both English and Spanish.