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Expanded Learning

This program plan describes how Tahoe Truckee Unified School District (TTUSD) will offer all unduplicated pupils in Transitional Kindergarten (TK) through sixth-grade access to comprehensive after-school and intersessional expanded learning opportunities as legislated in Ed Code 46120.

The Legislature intends that expanded learning programs are pupil-centered, results-driven, include community partners, and complement, but do not replicate, learning activities in the regular school day and school year. (EC Section 8482.1[a])

The TTUSD Expanded Learning Opportunities Program Plan (ELO-P) plan includes a partnership with the Boys and Girls Club of North Lake Tahoe (BGCNLT). TTUSD has partnered with the BGCNLT for the last 25 years to provide local students with before and after-school programs in a safe and supportive learning environment.

TTUSD Expanded Learning Opportunities Program Plan