Fiscal Services
Fiscal Services creates and analyzes the annual budget, which is distributed to school sites, programs, and departments, while also ensuring compliance for all district funds with both state and federal regulations. The department prepares financial documents and information for the Board of Education and the district’s administrators to aid in making crucial decisions for the district, and in turn, students in the classroom. All financial and budgetary decisions are made with consideration of the Board’s Belief No. 1: Students are the focus of all decisions.
The Fiscal Department works hard to manage the outgoing and incoming monetary transactions of the district. Accounts Payable provides payments to vendors and reimbursements to employees. Accounts Receivable produces invoices on behalf of the school district and ensures that payments are received and deposited in a timely manner.
The Payroll Department processes and issues employee paychecks, along with maintaining accurate payroll records and employment verifications. They also address payroll related employee questions with efficiency and excellent customer service.
Angie Morales-White
Director of Fiscal Services (Interim)
(530) 582-2544
Internal Extension: 20421
J.R. Murphy
Fiscal Specialist
(530) 582-2509
Internal Extension: 20422
Diana Bell-Curtis
Accounts Payable
(530) 582-2543
Internal Extension: 20424
Classified Budget Technician
Accounts Receivable & Attendance
(530) 582-2507
Internal Extension: 20423
Measure AA Information
Measure AA
(530) 582-2594
Araceli (Chely) Lopez
Payroll (A-C)
(530) 582-2511
Internal Extension: 20428
Roxanne Salas
Payroll (D-Mc)
(530) 582-2515
Internal Extension: 20426
Lindsay Bartlett
Payroll (Md-Z)
(530) 582-2506
Internal Extension: 20427
Business Department Fax
(530) 582-7101