Online Payments
Access your student(s) school meal account. Visit to register for a free account to pay online or track daily meal participation for your student.
ONLINE PAYMENTS are a simple, safe and secure way to make payments to your students' account 24 hours a day at your convenience. School meal online payments for school meals include a $2.60 transaction fee.
To pay without fees, checks or money orders made to "TTUSD Food Services," will be accepted at your student's school site cafeteria or send checks or money orders by mail to: Tahoe Truckee USD Food Services, 11603 Donner Pass Rd, Truckee CA 96161. Cash payments are not accepted at this time.
If you have any questions, please contact Food & Nutrition Services via email: or call (530)582-2528.
Non-Discrimination Statement
We are an equal opportunity provider and employer. Full non-discrimination statement.