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Online Payments

Access your student(s) school meal account. Visit  to register for a free account to pay online or track daily meal participation for your student.

ONLINE PAYMENTS are a simple, safe and secure way to make payments to your students' account 24 hours a day at your convenience. School meal online payments for school meals include a $2.60 transaction fee.

  • To pay without fees, checks or money orders made to "TTUSD Food Services," will be accepted at your student's school site cafeteria or send checks or money orders by mail to: Tahoe Truckee USD Food Services, 11603 Donner Pass Rd, Truckee CA 96161. Cash payments are not accepted at this time.

    If you have any questions, please contact Food & Nutrition Services via email: or call (530)582-2528.   

Non-Discrimination Statement

We are an equal opportunity provider and employer. Full non-discrimination statement.