WeTip Anonymous Crime & Bullying Reporting
As a community, we need to work together to keep our schools safe. If anyone - a student, parent, staff person or member of the community - sees something they perceive to be unsafe or something that doesn't seem right, it is critical that they take action and report the situation or incident immediately.
We understand that sometimes people are reluctant to speak to the principal or school officials in fear that their identity may be shared with the person accused of the crime or bullying. We have partnered with WeTip to provide a great resource that is completely anonymous so everyone has a safe and simple way to report unsafe issues or concerns. WeTip offers anonymous crime and bullying reporting and anyone can report crime or bullying at 1-800-78-CRIME or online at www.wetip.com. They have live operators 24/7 who are professionally trained specialists.
Remember - the safety of our students and our staff is a top concern and we all must do our part to ensure our schools are as safe as possible. Report school crimes like drug use, vandalism, and incidences of bullying and help make TTUSD a safer place to learn and play.
Report crime at WeTip: 1-800-78-CRIME or at http://wetip.com/submit-anonymous-tip-2/