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Immunization Information

Immunization Requirements

The California vaccine law is now in effect. Senate Bill 277 requires almost all California children who attend private or public schools to be fully vaccinated regardless of their parents' personal or religious beliefs.  At TTUSD, all children who are entering school for the first time (transitional kindergarten or kindergarten) must be vaccinated in order to attend school.

While the district never wants to turn away a student, TTUSD is mandated by the state to verify students' immunization records before the start of transitional kindergarten/kindergarten and seventh grade. (The law grandfathers in students who are already enrolled in school and already have vaccine exemptions based on personal beliefs or religion until they reach seventh grade.)

The new vaccine law makes no changes to the list of vaccines required to attend public or private school. Those 10 vaccines include diphtheria, hepatitis B, hemophilus influenzae type b (commonly referred to as Hib), measles, mumps, pertussis, poliomyelitis, rubella, tetanus, and varicella.

For more information about school immunizations requirements please visit the California Department of Public Health’s website

For a list of Immunization Providers in North Lake Tahoe and Truckee, Immunization Resources - Spanish & English. 

Guide to Immunizations Required for School Entry - Grades KT/K - 12 - English

Guide to Immunizations Required for School Entry - Grades KT/K - 12 - Spanish

CDC's Parent-Friendly Vaccine Website

CDPH Immunization Website (lots of resources)

County Vaccine Information
Placer County Vaccine Resources
Nevada County Vaccine Resources
El Dorado County Vaccine Resources