Educational Technology
Extending teaching and learning through the meaningful use of technology
The vision of the TTUSD Educational Technology department is to expand and enhance learning across all grade levels and content areas using technology as a tool. The commitment not only expands student learning within the content areas but also ensures that our students are proficient technology users who have the skills needed to navigate and thrive in a constantly changing world. TTUSD is dedicated to integrating these technology, information literacy, and 21st Century skills into the core curriculum and the content area standards in order to support student achievement, develop lifelong learners, and prepare our students to successfully meet the demands of an increasingly connected society and thrive in the global economy.
Ed Tech Team Members
Edward Hilton
Director of Technology & Information Services
Teacher Technology Specialist
Tamara Chisholm
Truckee High School LITE
Izaak Eberst
Sierra High School LITE
Kourtney Hawkins-Andrighetto
North Tahoe High School LITE
Michael Arington
Alder Creek Middle School LITE
Gina Layh
North Tahoe School LITE
Valarie Anagnos
Glenshire Elementary LITE
Holly Williamson
Donner Trail Elementary LITE
Paula Bossler
Kings Beach Elementary LITE
Abby Osborn and Judi Scoville
Tahoe Lake Elementary LITE